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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Intel Processor-Core 2 Duo E4700 2.6 GHz
AMD Processor- Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5600+
GeForce 9600 GSO 512MB
Radeon HD 3800 series
RAM-4GB, Hard Disks space-10GB,
Direct X- 9

Microsoft chose CES to unveil the PC edition of Fable III, the successful third entry in Lionhead's Xbox adventure trilogy. There were no specific announcements about Fable III for CES beyond having it in their booth. Microsoft just wanted to reveal the game and reassure PC gamers that Microsoft remains very active with Games for Windows.
Thought you can customize your controls to your liking, the default settings used today were workable. The potions and spells once attached to the Xbox controller's d-pad have been mapped to the first four function buttons. To select between the three available weapons to heroes -- melee, ranged, magic attack -- you scroll the mouse wheel. Whether or not you launch a light or heavy attack depends on which mouse button to press: left or right. I really enjoyed this simple system as it dovetailed nicely with the streamlined combat, which is something I rather liked about Fable III on the 360. 

 What did throw me off, though, was movement. The combination of the mouse for "looking" and traditional WASD just felt clunky. During the first battle in Bowerstone, one of the earlier pivotal moments in Fable III that launches the second act, staging off against the king's thugs was a tug-of-war. I had no problems launching area effect lightning magic and finishing off villains with a sword flourish, but aiming? Erg. However, you can always plug in an Xbox 360 controller to play Fable III on the PC.
 Fable III for the PC -- and the Xbox 360 -- will also hook up to the newly announced Fable III: Coin Golf, a Windows Mobile game (exclusive to Windows Mobile handsets). In the penny-pushing mobile game, gold earned is transferred to your hero's coffers. If you've played Fable III on the 360, you know how this could be a big help in the final act.

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